
Welcome to The SkunkWorkZ Online!

Do you have a need to send very large files securely and encrypted by email? MailExpress by GlobalScape has your solution. Join us as a member and try it out for free.

Have a need to exchange EDI and non-EDI files securely with your patients, customers and other trading partners? Join us as a member and try it out for free.  Send files as large as 2Gb FREE (over 2Gb requires a Provisioned Account) and have them handled by automated processes. Imagine sending multiple 50Gb files concurrently from a web page to the secure FTP server.

Use automated processes in EFT to encrypt your data before putting it to rest. With EFT you can send and receive encrypted data files in addition to the secure nature of SSL communications and the GlobalScape DMZ Gateway.

Let The SkunkWorkZ Online be your guide through the GlobalScape product trials, don't go it alone. We rely upon these products to run our business. Unleash the power of GlobalScape EFT and secure MailExpress.